Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Lease on Life

By: Patty Conley, Director of Operations

My daughter Sarah recently said to me, “Mom, I like this new lease on life you have.”  There is something that I’ve been thinking about doing for over a year now and have finally taken the plunge. 

Last year, my son Tommy challenged his dad and me to get in better shape.  It involved me running a mini marathon.  There were prizes attached so it made it very attractive.  I thought about it and that was about as far as it went.  Well, after a year, I decided to “take the plunge” and train and give it try.   It feels good.  I’m a success either way.  Either I accomplish it and that’s great or I don’t and that’s ok because I tried.

What brought me to this place you might ask?  Many things have but first and foremost is God in my life.  The second is my recovery journey.

That is why I am so passionate about what we do here at Fair Haven.  In our summer session, I am the one currently running our Tuesday morning support group.  I had forgotten how much I love group and just how powerful it is.  It is a safe place where you can come and tell your story and be validated.  It is a place where you are accepted.  It’s a place where healing, through God’s help, can happen.

I’ve spent many a days in a group just like that.  I learned that it was ok to dream again.  I learned that it’s about the journey and that it’s progress not perfection.  That is one of the reasons why I do have a new lease on life.  I am very thankful for the journey.

When the Brook Dries Up

By: Kelly Vates, Executive Director

Elijah was an Old Testament Prophet.  (1 Kings 17) During this time, there was a drought on the land.  To provide for Elijah, God told him to leave and go east to a place called Kerith Ravine.  Elijah went where God had sent him and God provided for him.  He drank water from the brook and God commanded the ravens to bring Elijah bread and meat every morning & night.  

In time, the brook dried up because there was no rain.  What was once a provision was now an empty cavern. It was only after the brook dries up; the Word of the Lord came to Elijah with a new direction and fresh provision.

However, I often wonder how long Elijah had to wait between the expiration of one provision and the onset of a new one.  Can you imagine Elijah kneeling in the scorching heat using his hands to scoop up the last bit of murky water from the brook, shaking his head and asking God, “I hope you have a plan B?”

God sends Elijah onward to a new place and provides for him through another miraculous way; oil and flour that do not run dry until the drought ended.  Amazing! 

As I study this passage, I wonder why God allowed the brook to dry up.  God could have easily kept the water flowing and the birds hunting.  Why dry up one provision just to move Elijah to another?  The answer I hear spoken into my heart: Faith.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see. (Heb 11.1) When brooks are flowing and meat & bread are being dropped into our laps, it’s easier to believe that God is good.  Faith is put into action when the brook dries up and our marching orders have yet to be delivered.  Faith is believing that God is good regardless of circumstances.  So, when your brook dries up, think of Elijah.  Sit and wait on God.   

Think about it. Kelly~