Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Fair Haven Needs Your Help

We are asking if you could please help us get the word out again.

Office Supplies:

10-15 decent/clean (new or used) sitting chairs (folding okay)
kleenex (no lotion please), hand sanitizer/wipes
highlighters, pens, glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, crayons
notebooks, Pocket folders (with/without metal clasps) 
1-2 inch and D-Ring Binders
acrylic paints, fabric paints/markers, fat paint brushes
Scrapbook page protector sheets
small 9 X 12 canvas boards/canvases (any size)

Project Sail: Program Incentives

Any small, less expensive toys for boys ages 6-16 years

sports related toys, toy cars/air planes
drawing supplies
educational games/models/building sets

Any small, less expensive toys for girls ages 6-16 years

stuffed animals, dolls, stickers
nail polish/lip gloss/costume jewelry
educational games/craft kits

Incentive gift cards for Parents (ranging from $5-$50)

coffee, bath & spa, restaurants, gas cards, movie theater, grocery stores, shopping, game cards (Google/Apple)

Please contact us at 219-961-4357 or info@asafeport.org or message us on FB if you have any of the above mentioned items.

Thank you for your support!!  We appreciate YOU!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Open Enrollment for 2015 Winter Programs

Project Sail (A Strengthening Families Program)

Our next Sail group will be beginning soon in February/March 2015. Project Sail is made up of 14 total sessions. This program provides families with science-based parenting skills, children's life skills, and family life skills. The program is specifically designed to empower families and improve relationships. It is made up of 3 parts, which include: a meal, individual class time for mom and children, and a joint family time at the end of each session for a total of 2.5 hours each session.

Project Sail Groups

Project Sail groups are designated for parents/guardians and children between the ages of 6-16 years old. The families will meet once a week for approximately 12 weeks. Each session includes the following:

A meal before each meeting.
Interactive lessons/activities and participation incentives
Weekly handouts, family practice sessions, and fun projects/activities
Graduations ceremony which includes a certificate of completion for each member

Previous Sail participants testified the following:

  • "I learned to keep trying different ways to encourage my children."
  • "I learned how to give clearer directions more age appropriate and to have more realistic expectations."
  • "I learned how to praise successes, have family meetings, and to have consistent discipline."

Project Voyage

Project Voyage is our adult services program and provides both individual and group counseling, as well as victim advocacy to adult women who have experienced violence and trauma in their life. We specialize in recovery services for victims of domestic abuse, sexual trauma, verbal abuse, codependency and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Voyage is a program which focuses on mind, body, and spirit restoration. Voyage women are validated for the pain they have gone through and learn to identify problem areas in their life that threaten themselves and their loved ones. They learn to build a support system and begin to change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors as they embark on their healing journey of recovery. We are always accepting people for individual counseling so please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

Project Voyage Groups Winter Session

Project Voyage groups meet on a weekly basis and is offered on Tuesday mornings from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Our winter group session will resume on January 12, 2015. 

Previous Voyage group participants testified:

  • "I learned that I will have my ups and downs and that's okay"
  • " I learned it is good to share and be with people and share and learn from each other."
  • "Group confirmed that I am not alone and that I don't have to go through anything alone."
  • "I learned that it's ok to feel. It's ok to be me. I'm learning to trust more by being open and honest without being afraid of being hurt."

Project Anchor

Project Anchor is a specialized program for female adolescents between the ages of 13-19 years old. Project Anchor utilizes a combination of techniques in a supportive group setting. Some of these modalities include art, music, and play therapy in addition to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). These therapeutic interventions allow adolescents victims of trauma and abuse (examples include: sexual, physical, and/or emotional trauma, abandonment/neglect issues) the opportunity to process their pain and emotions in a safe environment.

Project Anchor equips adolescent victims with the ability to recognize and challenge maladaptive behaviors and thought processes, while simultaneously developing their own set of recovery tools and positive coping skills in order to find healing from their trauma.

Project Anchor is made up of 16 consecutive weekly group sessions that meet for approximately 1.5 hours each session. Each session includes a learning objective as well as a therapeutic project/activity which is recorded and kept in a personal scrapbook created by each participant.

Previous Anchor group participants testified:

  • "Fair Haven was a trustworthy place for me to discuss my biggest fears, my feelings, and build trust with myself and others. I am really thankful to have had this opportunity to be in the Anchor Program."

  • "The fact that Project Anchor was so hands on really helped me open up more. I let out my anger, sadness, hurt and everything else I was feeling in a safe way. While I was there not only did I learn a safe way to let my emotions out but I also learned how to let myself feel."

If you are interested in participating in any of the above mentioned groups/programs or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at 219-961-4357.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Fair Haven is looking for your help

Fair Haven is collecting some items 

to raise funds for our programs.

We are collecting used laser and inkjet printer cartridges, laptops, cell phones, and small electronics such as digital cameras, mp3 players, gps systems, and headphones. We encourage you to go through your belongings and see if you have any of these items.

If you have any of these items, please contact us or drop them off on a Friday between 8am and 4pm to any of our friendly staff members. 

Thank you for your support.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Annual Agape Walk in the Park Fundraiser

It's that time of year again....we are gearing up for our Annual Agape Walk in the Park

When: Saturday April, 12
            10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Where:Wicker Memorial Park
             Highland, IN

What: Help us spread awareness to the community about sexual assault. Invite your family, friends, coworkers to walk, run, or skate around Wicker Park with us to help spread awareness to the community about sexual assault.


We will be putting walker sheets in the mail soon. If you are interested in walking and raising donations for this event, contact our office for more details or click on the link below the picture.