We are asking if you could please help us get the word out again.
Office Supplies:
10-15 decent/clean (new or used) sitting chairs (folding okay)
kleenex (no lotion please), hand sanitizer/wipes
highlighters, pens, glue sticks, colored pencils, markers, crayons
notebooks, Pocket folders (with/without metal clasps)
1-2 inch and D-Ring Binders
acrylic paints, fabric paints/markers, fat paint brushes
Scrapbook page protector sheets
small 9 X 12 canvas boards/canvases (any size)
Project Sail: Program Incentives
Any small, less expensive toys for boys ages 6-16 years
sports related toys, toy cars/air planes
drawing supplies
educational games/models/building sets
Any small, less expensive toys for girls ages 6-16 years
stuffed animals, dolls, stickers
nail polish/lip gloss/costume jewelry
educational games/craft kits
Incentive gift cards for Parents (ranging from $5-$50)
coffee, bath & spa, restaurants, gas cards, movie theater, grocery stores, shopping, game cards (Google/Apple)Please contact us at 219-961-4357 or info@asafeport.org or message us on FB if you have any of the above mentioned items.
Thank you for your support!! We appreciate YOU!!!