By: Kelly Vates, Executive Director
In the book of Matthew, Jesus uses the mustard seed as a word picture to teach the people of his day. In chapter 13 He compares the Kingdom of God to that of a mustard seed. He further describes this seed as the smallest of all seeds but, when planted; it becomes the largest of the plants in the garden. It actually becomes a tree; a tree so large that the birds can come and rest in its branches.
Just a few chapters later, Jesus again uses the size of a mustard seed as a teaching tool for his disciples. In chapter 17, a man wrought with compassion for his son who suffers from seizures; brings the boy to Jesus’ disciples but they were unable to heal him. When the man brought the boy to Jesus, He first rebuked his disciples and then healed the man’s son. Later, when his disciples asked him why they could not heal the boy, Jesus says to them, “Because you have so little faith.” He goes on to say that if you have faith the size of the mustard seed, you can tell a mountain to move, and it will. Jesus concludes by saying, “nothing will be impossible for you.”
So often in ministry these scriptures are used to encourage distraught and hurting people to stand firm in their faith. The parable suggests that any mountain that stands in our way or disturbs our lives will move if we only “muster up” a tiny bit of faith and tell it to move. Let me testify that I have seen God move a mountain with my mustard seed faith. It does happen. I know it does. However, it doesn’t always happen.
What if Jesus gave us these two examples regarding the mustard seed to show us that sometimes He uses our mustard seed of faith to move the mountain and other times He cultivates our mustards seed of faith in our hearts as we become mountain climbers?
Why would God have us climb a mountain? Wouldn’t it be easier if He just moved it? It would be easier for us; that’s for sure! However, God is never interested in what is easy for us. He is more interested in what’s best for us.
Mountain climbing is where we learn the personal and intimate lessons God has just for us. While we struggle to reach for the next secure grip, we seek His face and desire His presence. It’s in the struggle we learn surrender. It’s within these climbing moments that God stretches us to reach farther then we could have ever even imagined. It’s the climb that grows our faith and our intimacy with Him.
If this is a mountain climbing season for you, allow me to encourage you to take your mustard seed faith and gear up for a journey ahead. You will need these necessary items: an approach, a rope, a flash light, and the appropriate clothing (very important for us women!)
An approach is simply plan or a direction. Mountains are large and treacherous. Seek out others who many have climbed a similar mountain and learn from their experience. God gives individuals a testimony for this very reason. It will save you time, energy and pain.
Your rope is your support system. Make sure the people surrounding you can support you as you journey the mountain. Their weakness can be your detriment. Choose wisely.
Your flash light is the Word of God. Along the darkest caverns of the mountain it will light your way! Open it and use it.
Lastly, prayer is your clothing. Remember, mountain climbing is designed to grow our faith and bring us into a deeper and more intimate relationship with our Lord and our God. Talk to Him often and then listen. He will not leave you nor forsake you on the mountain!
For those of us in the middle of a climb steep climb, take courage. As the tree of a mustard seed gives a place of rest for the birds of the air, the mustard seed of faith in your life will also give you a place of rest. May God bless our journey! Kelly~