- One out of every three women will be raped in her lifetime.
- One out of four girls & one out of six boys are sexually abused before they turn 18
- In the United States, 1.3 women are raped every minute. That results in 78 rapes each hour, 1,872 rapes each day, 56,160 rapes each month and 700,000 rapes each year.
- 77% of rape survivors know their attacker.
- 90% of abused children under the age of 12 knew their perpetrator.
- One in four college women have been raped or suffered attempted rape.
- One of seven married women will be sexually assaulted by her husband.
- 84% of rapes go unreported.
- 98% of sexual assault survivors will never see their attacker caught, tried or imprisoned.
Nearly ½ of rape cases brought to prosecution are dismissed before trial.